The latest on government financial support for charities.

Melanie Richardson


Up to date as of 10th April

The Chancellor has recently announced a £750m package to help struggling charities to keep operating during the coronavirus lockdown. He stated, ‘It’s right we do everything we can to help the sector during this difficult time, which is why we have announced this unprecedented £750m package of extra funding,’




Th Treasury stated on Wednesday 8th April that £360m would be directly allocated by government departments to charities providing key services and supporting vulnerable people.



A further £370m for small- and medium-sized charities will be made available for community organisations & charities providing vital services and helping vulnerable people through the current crisis will benefit from the £360 million allocated by government departments. These will include:


  • hospices to help increase capacity and give stability to the sector
  • St Johns Ambulance to support the NHS
  • victims charities, including domestic abuse, to help with potential increase in demand for charities providing these services
  • vulnerable children charities, so they can continue delivering services on behalf of local authorities
  • Citizens Advice to increase the number of staff providing advice during this difficult time


Of this £60m will be allocated to those in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.



Departments will now work at pace to identify priority recipients, with the aim for charities to receive money in the coming weeks. The application system for the National Lottery Community Fund grant pot is expected to be operational within a similar period of time.





  • £750 million pot for frontline charities across the UK – including hospices and those supporting domestic abuse victims
  • £360 million direct from government departments and £370 million for smaller charities, including through a grant to the National Lottery Community Fund
  • government will match donations to the National Emergencies Trust as part of the BBC’s Big Night In fundraiser later this month – pledging a minimum of £20 million




If you are a charity and in need of financial guidance please get in touch with your Swindells’ partner who will be able to advise you further.


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